The waterfront provides environmental and recreational opportunities valued by many residents and visitors. As our waterfront increases in popularity, management is critical to achieving a balance of recreation and protection of environmental features.

Building and Protecting
our Waterfront

The vision for a publicly owned waterfront park across Ajax goes back over 50 years.  I’m proud to be part of a Council that continued to acquire available properties to fulfill the vision.

The waterfront provides environmental and recreational opportunities valued by many residents and visitors. As our waterfront increases in popularity, management is critical to achieving a balance of recreation and protection of environmental features.

Environmental enhancements include rain gardens and bioswales that clean water runoff, a meadow to absorb a naturally wet area, extending sand dunes across Paradise Beach, restoring natural habitat, removing storm water discharge pipes and steel culverts on Paradise Beach, wetland drainage enhancements and interpretive signage.

Thanks to funding partners such as RBC’s Blue Water Project, the Sierra Club of Canada and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, these environmental initiatives improve the natural greenspace and water quality while engaging the community through active participation.

Ajax Waterfront Erosion Mitigation Project

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the Town of Ajax, is undertaking a flood and erosion control project along the Ajax Waterfront.