Strong Fiscal Management implementing capital reserves, low debt, lowest average tax increase in Durham Region.
As a member of council we work hard to keep taxes low, however there are costs we don’t have control over such as insurance, fuel for vehicles, electricity etc. Not unlike managing a home. As a tax payer I understand the importance of keeping taxes as low as possible.
Ajax has a financial Sustainability Plan, to ensure long term financial strength and sustainability.
This plan includes policies for the operating budget , reserve allocations, and use of reserve and supplementary taxes.
The town separates the annual budget into 2 parts:
Annual Operational costs
Annual capital costs and 4 year long range capital forecast
In 2015 council set an annual tax rate target of 1.75%.
Slots Revenue
Supports Capital reserve costs saving $47 on the average assessedproperty of $424.100, eliminating 1% on the property tax.
Pedestrian and Cycling Trails
No tax dollars are used for new trails, funding comes from development charges and slot revenue.
Maintenance is funded from taxes, slots and federal gas tax.
58% of the operational budget accounts for full and part time staff salaries/benefits. Similar to all municipalities and service delivery organizations.
Two key components are general levy funded Reserve/Reserved Fund Allocation and Long Term Debt Payments. Approximately 8%.
Greatest Benfit of Tax Dollars
Strong Fiscal Management implementing capital reserves, low debt, lowest average tax increase in Durham Region.
As a member of council we work hard to keep taxes low, however there are costs we don’t have control over such as insurance, fuel for vehicles, electricity etc. Not unlike managing a home. As a tax payer I understand the importance of keeping taxes as low as possible.
Ajax has a financial Sustainability Plan, to ensure long term financial strength and sustainability.
This plan includes policies for the operating budget , reserve allocations, and use of reserve and supplementary taxes.
The town separates the annual budget into 2 parts:
In 2015 council set an annual tax rate target of 1.75%.
Slots Revenue
Supports Capital reserve costs saving $47 on the average assessed property of $424.100, eliminating 1% on the property tax.
Pedestrian and Cycling Trails
No tax dollars are used for new trails, funding comes from development charges and slot revenue.
Maintenance is funded from taxes, slots and federal gas tax.
58% of the operational budget accounts for full and part time staff salaries/benefits. Similar to all municipalities and service delivery organizations.
Two key components are general levy funded Reserve/Reserved Fund Allocation and Long Term Debt Payments. Approximately 8%.
Town of Ajax 2018 Budget
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Cell 905-626-1916