65 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H9 Joanne.dies@ajax.ca Tel. 905-619-2529 ext. 3373


Joanneā€™s experience as a regional and local councillor has laid a strong foundation of community development. Joanne works with municipal, regional and provincial governments on issues that directly affect the overall health and viability of Ajax, the building blocks for a strong local economy.

Joanne is committed to:

  • Protecting the headwaters of the Carruthers Creek from development, a risk of flooding homes in south Ajax.
  • Supporting more housing choices = affordable options.
  • Collaborating with the Homelessness Task force and the community to address issues of homelessness.
  • Supporting development of the Seniors Strategy and programming in the Recreation and Parks Master Plan
  • Providing safe streets with traffic calming initiatives and well planned pedestrian and cycling connections.
  • Advocating to protect agricultural and Greenbelt lands from urban sprawl.
  • Engaging the community in discussions on growth and intensification.
  • Advocating for Ajax Downs Casino, supporting tax benefits, jobs and Quarter Horse Racing.
  • Preparedness and Adaptation Strategies to respond to more frequent climate change storms.
  • Fiscally responsible when considering budget decisions and property tax.

Joanne is the only candidate for Regional Councillor Ward 3 that has the experience and momentum to continue to champion issues important to Ajax.

Election Countdown
